About Me

I am an aspiring writer from Johannesburg, South Africa. This project is a way for me to fully commit to this world that began life almost 10 years ago. Finishing things has never been my strong suit, so this is me trying to overcome this weakness - seeing as I can't shake this world if I tried. This is not a purely worldbuilding endeavour, as I do have a few Kaionaic tales in the works. These characters and their stories will eventually make an appearance on this site, and I hope anyone reading this will love them as much as I do.

About Kaionais and Kalylion

Kaionais was first conceptualised in 2016 at the height of my Skyrim obsession. I had had a nightmare wherein I (definitely not a Dragonborn) was trapped in a little hamlet that was under attack by a dragon. All of this was lovingly rendered in live action by my amazingly imaginative brain. I woke up and realised that dragons are, in fact, terrifying, and I wanted to capture that in a story of my own. With no previous experience in worldbuilding, I used the world of Tamriel as a blueprint. Fast forward to today and that world has taken on a life of its own after multiple deaths and rebirths. Quite a long way from its Bethesda-esque roots, I think. The world is still rather young, as it's been spottily tended to by an easily distracted creator. But I hope to see it flourish - and perhaps others can watch it grow in real time.

Welcome to the worlds of Kaionais and Kalylion, where humans live alongside all manner of creature desperate to stay alive, and where the gods are hardly more than children trying to navigate unfathomable power and responsibility.

This is not the first incarnation. But perhaps it will be the one that lasts.